When the Moguls Ruled India...

First Online: April 19, 2000
Page Last Updated: August 20, 2024


The Mogul (also spelled as Moghul and Mughal) empire was founded by Babur in 1526, when he defeated Ibrahim Lodi, the last of the Delhi Sultans at the first battle of Panipat. Successive progenies of the family went on to rule the empire, sometimes shrinking, but mostly expanding it.

The Moguls were a powerful dynasty and impacted the thoughts and arts of India a great deal. This is a a collection of articles and pictures documenting the time in India when the Moguls ruled.

Table of Contents


  • Rizvi S.A.., The Wonder That was India -II, Rupa , 1993
  • National Geographic, When the Moguls Ruled, Vol 167, No 4, 1985
  • Schulberd L, and Editors of TIME-LIFE, Historic India,  Time-Life, 1968
  • J.T. Wheeler, Wheeler's India, Peter Fenelon Collier, 1858
  • Babur Nama,  The memoirs of Babur, Portfolio of 16th century miniatures, Archeological Survey of India