The Class Dynamic of India

by Vikas Kamat
First Online: April 23, 2011
Page Last Updated: August 20, 2024

The Class System of India

I am writing this article after digesting the plethora of caste-related feedback we receive on the caste dynamics of India. The division of the Indian society into different classes is my own and has no historical or academic reference. It is purely based on my observations and written for the amusement of the reader. While related to it, this artcile should not be confused with the caste system of India.


The Various Classes in Indian Society

  • The Information Technology Brahmins --

  • The Neo-Brahmins --

  • Maid Servants and the Service Class --

  • The Government Class --

  • The Nameless, Voiceless Poor --

  • Mafia, Politicians and Ruling Class --