

Page First Created: May 26, 2000
Last Updated: August 20, 2024

About Us

Kamat's Potpourri is the personal home page of the four members of the Kamat family: Krishnanand Kamat, Jyotsna Kamat, Vikas Kamat and Hiryoung Kim Kamat. Among them, they share three Doctorates, Five Masters degrees and seven other University degrees, and Kamat's Potpourri constitutes over a hundred person-years of work.

We have taken the liberty to add Mr. Ganesh Burde's work as well. He is the grandfather of Vikas (Jyotsna's father) and has helped the Kamats tremendously over the years. All of the pictures in The Timeless Theater Archive are by Krishnanand Kamat. Where necessary, we have used some content licensed from professional sources.


How this Website is Produced

Carla King, an American journalist once exclaimed that Kamat's Potpourri is India's most Low-Tech site (see: India's Hi-tech-Lo-tech  External Link). Krishna and Jyotsna do not have a computer and instead prepare the contents manually in a extremely laborious method and mail it to Vikas by postal mail.  The pictures are then scanned, articles retyped, and uploaded to the website. 

Update Feb 2006: Jyotsna has a PC now; and we use many volunteers to type and scan the pictures.


Technology Behind the Website

 Old Technology New Technology
  • Pictures taken primarily with ORWO NP-55 Black and White Film
  • Other Films used Kodak Echtachrome, Kodachrome,  KodaColor, some very old pictures are on 110 mm and even on glass (pre-film)!
  • Cameras: 1964 Exakta (a favorite), Pentax from  1980s, Edixa, Exakta 400 mm Tele-lens (see : Kamat's Cameras)
  • Manuscripts and captions are still (year 2001) typed on 1959 Remington
  • Over 200,000 pictures indexed on tiny pieces of paper wrapped around the film reels. Keeping the moths and humidity away from them is one of Kamat's pastimes.
  • Pictures are cross indexed in Kamat's diaries, the tens of thousands of letters he has written, and a hand-developed numbering system
  • Snail-Mail -- we have relied heavily on the Indian and United States Postal Systems for mailing of our pictures and stories.
  • Our Webserver is Apache External Link running on Linux and hosted by HostPro.
  • Search Engine is a customized implementation of  ht://dig External Link and is used for full-text indexing
  • Our spider is named Narad; he crawls at undisclosed intervals and reports the meta information about the websites to our database.
  • Our Web Directory is based on the Library of Congress Subject Categorization. We may be the only ones doing so on the web.
  • The PictureSearch and WWWW (Who's Who-What's What) searches are based on Microsoft's ActiveX technology.
  • The electronic contents are managed by a sophisticated rule-based content management system that we wrote ourselves based on static rendering methods. It is used to manage the contents and insert hyperlinks.
  • Other software tools used are Paint Shop Pro, PHP, Perl, Microsoft's Active Server Pages, Microsoft Front Page, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server etc.,


See Also:


Contact Kamats



...Kamat's Potpourri constitutes over a hundred person-years of work.

Kamat's Potpourri Colophon

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