The Travels of Narad


Page Last Updated: August 20, 2024

In the Hindu mythology, sage Narad (naa-ra-da) is both a great traveler and a devotee (of Lord Vishnu). He goes to the ends of the three worlds (the earth, the heavens and the space) spreading the Master's glory. As he travels, he notices events, blunders of men, surprises  and is a great source of gossip and fascination.

© K. L. Kamat
Sage Narad Singing Lord's Glory
Wall Mural of Sage Narad
From a beautiful Kavi Art mural in Karnataka

When time came to name our web crawler, we chose Narad. We will start reporting his findings at Kamat's Potpourri starting in April of  Year 2000. The plan is to build a innovative, reliable web-directory of related websites, reviews and citations. Yes. Narad searches offline (those not on the Internet) special collections also -- see a citation database he compiled on Karnataka.

The sage Narad  is said to cause a number of unpleasant situations by even reporting things that are best not reported (like gossip). Our program Narad (if you are a webmaster, you can see Narad's accesses as UserAgent=Narad) however, adheres to the robots exclusion standard and does not visit sites that are improper. He  promptly goes on to the next site singing "..the span of this Internet is infinite... Like the mysteries of the Master!".

Update: December 2001
Sorry, we are no longer accepting new submissions for websites.If you have a India related blog, submit it here. You might also consider buying a text-ad on our highly ranked website.

Web Travels of Narad
Web Travels of Narad

Narad is our web-crawler always traveling around the world-wide-web and libraries looking for related information.

Kamat's Potpourri Web Travels of Narad

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