Tantric Meditation

Tantric Meditation and Awakening of Great Power

by Dr. Jyotsna Kamat
First Online: November 21, 2005
Page Last Updated: August 20, 2024

Awakening of the great Power, Kundalini Sakti or ‘serpent power', is the most difficult stage in tantra worship. The Power first lies asleep at the bottom of the spinal column. It is awakened and made to ascend Sushumna canal and through six centers in the body called lotuses, reaches the Sahasrara, the lotus with thousand-petals in the top of the head. Awakening of great Power (Kundalini Sakti) is the beginning of the process of attaining spiritual consciousness and its union with Shiva in the Sahasrara is the consummation of Tantric discipline.

Kamat's Potpourri
Tantric Illustration Invoking Shakti
Tantric Illustration Invoking Shakti

In modern times, Shri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa achieved mastery in tantra worship. He accepted a learned female tantric, Bhairavi Brahmani as his Guru. He practised all disciplines. Very soon he could realize Ultimate Reality (chit) or Sat and Ananda or bliss.

He had different visions. In one, a huge luminous triangle, giving birth to infinite number of worlds. In another, he heard the great sound "Om" in many echoes. He saw the divine Power, as a woman of exquisite beauty about to become a mother at some other time. Once she assumed the terrible aspect of Kali as well.

Very few mystics could attain this stage.

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