Hinduism Potpourri

A Selection of Topics on Hinduism
First Online: August 15, 1997
Last Updated: August 20, 2024


Hindu Samskaras
A series of artcles on Hindu religious sacraments by Dr. Jyotsna Kamat, including their symbolism, rituals, and history.
The Song Celestial
The Bhagawad-gita is Hinduism in a nutshell. Commentary on the sacred text by Ganesh Burde.
Interview with an Ascetic
Kamat chats with a boy monk at the birthplace of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in West Bengal, and learns why God had to create the evil.
Gods & GoddessesParade of Gods
A list of Hindu deities, the relationships among themselves, their icons, and vehicles
Lord Shiva's Family in Indian Art
Shiva, along with wife Uma and son Ganesh is the most favorite of Indian artists.
The Holy Men of India
We classify the holy men of India; pictures of Sadhus, Swamis, Saints, and Priests.
The Festivals of India
The significance of festivals, includes a number of pictures, and a calendar.
Glossary of Hinduism
Definition of terms, deities, their relationships and other glossary.
TemplesTemples of India
Detailed discussion on the history, and stylistics of some of the great temples of India.
Renunciation and Relinquishment
The difference between the two; and what must be followed according to the Gita.
The Call of Yama
Discussion of death in Hinduism; includes answers to frequently asked questions, and proceedings of a Hindu funeral.
ShankaracharyaAdi Shankaracharya
Biography of the great scholar and philosopher Shankara who revived Hinduism and founded the Advaitic school of thought.
Hindu Sacraments
An introduction to the traditional Hindu sacraments helps understand many of the rituals of Hinduism in practice today.
Who is God?
Warrior Arjuna, during the Mahabharat war is supposed to have asked Krishna on his identity. The answer.
Boy Becomes Man -- The Hindu Ordaining Ceremony Swami Vivekananda & Ramakrishna Mission
Swami Vivekananda and Ramakrishna Mission has had a profound impact on Indian society and were instrumental in renewing Hindu Vedantic Philosophy

Articles on Hinduism

Pictures of Hindu Tradition and Culture


See Also: