Worship of Vehicles - Car Puja

by Vikas Kamat

First Online: April 01, 2005
Page Last Updated: August 20, 2024

Hindus have had the custom of offering prayers to their tools of worship (see: Ayudha Puja or Instrument Worship). On a specific day of the year (or in some instances, every day of the year) the tools of the trade are honored and blessings are sought. The merchants worship their measurement tools, the craftsmen offer prayers to their tools, and drivers worshiped their vehicles.

As the Indian society prospered, vehicles became a common commodity, along with the accidents they brought, and it became customary to include the vehicles in the "tools-of-the-trade", and to worship them to keep "safe from accidents". This is the reason why people worship vehicles (be it a bicycle, a motor-cycle, or a car) in India. Hindus living in other countries also observe this practice, especially soon after purchasing a vehicle.

The car puja typically involves cleaning the vehicle, decorating it with flowers, and pictures of deities and then performing an arati (showing of a flame) followed by a prayer. Fruits and sweets are offered to the vehicle and then consumed in blessing.

Some temples and priests in India specialize in car puja ritual, and the devotees believe that worshipping cars at these specific locations brings them safety while driving and good luck in their business/family life.

Vikas Kamat/Kamat's Potpourri
Hindus Worship Everything!
Hindus Worship Everything!
The signboard says "Place to Worship Cars"

K.L. Kamat/Kamat's Potpourri
Vehicle Worship in India
Vehicle Worship in India
Bus decorated with flowers on the day of Ayudha Puaj

See Also:

  • Extreme Nation -- "If anything, India is a country of extreme contrasts"